Monday, April 21, 2014


Soooooo.......this lady from the social security office keeps calling me. She has been calling since February (as she pointed out last week when we were on the phone). She wants my paystubs, my husbands paystubs, and other random assorted shit. I know I need to copy this stuff and send it off to her so she will leave me alone, but I keep avoiding. Well for one thing, it would be a lot easier if I had, say, a place where I kept my paystubs and important papers all together. But I don't. There are paystubs in my car, under my bed, in my various get the picture. There is no way I can find all of them.
Ugh this has to be the most pointless blog post ever. Why am I sitting here bitching to the interwebs about anyone even cares. Someone please comment and say "Get your ass off the couch...take a shower...and find your damn paystubs....betch!".


Erin said...

Go find your pay stubs, betch. :)

lisalisa said...

Ugh....copying....copying.....and now my printer is out of ink.....

Unknown said...

Thanks for lot this post
Mental health care.