Saturday, August 28, 2010

not really an update

still here, under alot of stress, possibly losing my mind......

I just want to go home....might be three more weeks (its been two weeks and 5 days already)...

can't get in to see my therapist until Sept 14th.....

spent a gob of money staying at a hotel and going to Adventureland amusement park this weekend (but we needed the distraction)....

still eating well and not purging.....

the girls have been acting up (due to stress) and I don't have the patience....

do you think I can spend FEMA money on an eyelift?

did I mention I am losing my mind..........


Sairs said...

Hey! Sorry your stressed and feeling awful. I hope it gets better soon. I hope you're okay!

Zena said...

you poor thing...Im sorry...I have a card for you. it just hasnt gotten mailed cause it had been misplaced in the move, but alas found again, at least I know you are still at the same address, as much as that sucks:( FEMA money on an eye lift, sure why not, just say you are so stressed and exhausted you cant keep your eyes open and the surgery is to help you stay awake:) but you dont need an eye lift, your beautiful, just the way God made maybe it might be better know for some new furniture...just thinking out loud:)

Lisa said...

I'm sorry things are going rough. I wouldn't say this isn't an update. anything about you going on is an update. I wish I knew what FEMA was or I'd give me advice on it.

And any needed vacation/time away is worth the money.

I'm sorry you're feeling stressed! hang in there

Tia said...

Wow, summmer's gone by so quick, i envy all the activities you've done with the girls. take care of you!

Alexandra Rising said...

Best of luck with everything <3

I Hate to Weight said...

you are going thru such a tough time. of course you feel like you are losing your mind. you're doing a great job just doing what you need to do.

instead of an eyelift, i say use all the FEMA money for hours of massage for yourself.

hang in there. it's great that you're managing your eating disorder. i'm struggling, and my life is a lot gentler than yours right now.

take really good care, lisa. thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

I know I haven't been commenting much and I apologize. You're in my thoughts a lot though! I just have a lot going on, I've been bad at commenting.

I feel so bad for everything you're going through!