Thursday, September 1, 2011

The elephant in the room..... me. At least it feels that way sometimes. Sigh.

Well on a more positive note, I passed both my state exams for nurse's aide certification with flying colors!!!! Woohoooo!

Wait, does this mean I have to get a job?



Angela Elain Gambrel said...

Congratulations!!! I'm sure you will be a wonderful CNA.

And you are not an elephant...


I Hate to Weight said...

congrats! it's such a wonderful field, and YOU will be wonderful.

i can feel like quite the whale, sometimes. it's stinky. but it's not real.

and that's the great news. as angela said, you are not an elephant.

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! I hope you got to do something to celebrate :)

Me three: you are NOT an elephant!!

Anonymous said...

oh P.S. I moved -- I'm Kris w/ the blue flower

Keely said...

Yippee! I loved being a CNA. If you can, try to find a job in a hospital. They have better ratios and you get to learn a lot of medical stuff. :) I am happy for you! (hug)

Nobody Girl said...

Yay! Many congratulations! :)