Friday, August 26, 2011

itch itch

I cant stop itching. Right now it is just my palms and behind my knees and I am trying to keep my hands off, because if I start itching the whole area will be read and inflamed and I will get these huge welts. I just hope it doesnt get any worse today.

For the past 4 days I have been breaking out in hives. Usually they start on my knees, ankles, wrists, and the back of my neck. Then I get tham on my back, and anywhere I itch turns hot and the "itch marks" swell up and turn white, like big long hives. Yesterday my back was all red with white lines all over it. Chris said it looked like a sunburn, and when touched the skin felt hot there.

Ugh this is driving me crazy. Between the hives and being zonked out of benadryl I have not exactly been a joy to be around. I have an appointment for allergy testing on Wed, so after Sun I wont be able to take any benadryl. I will be an itchy, cranky basket case.

P.S. I really, really hate my body right now. Just can't freaking stand it. Can anyone give me some pointers for that (no diet tips, please), or maybe just a pep talk?


Keely said...

Go Lisa! Go, go, go Lisa! (That was a cheer.)

Sorry your itchy- that sucks. Have you tried calamine lotion? I was frequently slathered in it by my mom when I had chicken pox. Maybe that would help? Or you could get some hydrocortizone cream.

Everyone has body issues-whether they've had ED or not. I know I still struggle with them.

I just bought some new (bigger) pants which made be feel a ton better. I fit in them, I like them, and they reduce my body image problems because I don't have to squish in my old ones anymore. They fit me for me. I shouldn't have to waste my day and feel down because I can't fit into a size number.

Weighing x pounds less doesn't change the world. It doesn't effect others. Same as weighing x pounds more. The only thing weight changes effect is how you feel about them- if you let them get to you.

Looking at the big picture, no one cares about your weight or your "problem spots". I know I don't. :) Everyone is too busy critiquing themselves and wishing they were someone else who wishes they looked like someone else, etc.

Don't worry about it. You are you and I love you for it. :)

Jessi said...

I experienced a similar problem as you with the itching/hives and it drove me insane.
What type of laundry detergent do you use? I figured out that I suddenly developed an allergy to my laundry detergent/fabric softener.
Now I use the "free of phosphates, free of perfumes etc" detergent-I use the costco brand and don't have a problem! (I even tried the environmentally friendly type of detergent without phosphates, but had a lavendar scent and my body didn't like no scents for me!)

It's probably not that easy of a fix for you, but it's worth looking into! Good luck!

Nobody Girl said...

Not sure if you're still dealing with hating your body... but some things I do:

- Spend time with close friends -- women who I think are beautiful, smart, and caring people. This reminds me that this is what really matters.
- Wear clothes that are comfy but neither frumpy or tight. I think either make you feel kinda worse and self-conscious.
- Do things you are passionate about. again, I think this helps refocus your attention onto things that are not superficial.

i hope this helps. Sorry if it doesn't :/