Thursday, March 24, 2011

Aha! She CAN learn new things!


lisalisa said...

note the ponytail. It is only like two inches, but a ponytail nonetheless.

PTC said...

Totally thought you'd have an accent for some reason. Ha!

flaweddesign said...

i tought you'd have an accent too! you're too cute. i guess now i have to figure it out and post a vid, eh? keep my word. i'll work on it later today.

Angela Elain Gambrel said...

Great job!

You are too cute!!!

Maybe I'll do a video some day. Hmm....


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the Vlog. I'm glad that you seem to be doing well:-)

kris said...

You are soo pretty :) AND brave, lol.

I hope your day today has been better.

We all have bad days and, believe me, I would definitely consider forgetting a credit card/money at the grocery store a bad day!!

battleinmind said...

Oooh I started watching this but hte sound on my laptop doesn't work so well so it was too tired for me to hear properly :(

You look pretty though!

Anonymous said...

Wooo, shout out! Thank you. :)

Proud of all the stuff you did!
I can't WAIT to meet you in person!!!!!

Keely said...

Yay!!! I loved that! It's just like sitting on your couch at your house in salt lake and just chillin'. :)

battleinmind said...

ps. Just given you an award :)