Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Sorry I haven't posted for a bit. I am ok, just suffering from some serious writer's block. If anyone has ideas about what I should blog about I would love to hear them. Or if anyone has a question they want to ask? Anyone? Now's your chance!


I Hate to Weight said...

i'm interested to hear what's going on -- how r u doing physically and emotionally? i know that's kind of broad, but i have been wondering how you are.

if you don't feel like going into that, about some pictures of those adorable daughters of yours?

Cammy said...

Hey, have missed seeing updates from you. I really hope all is well. I think sometimes posts that start out as a seemingly typical "how things are going" can lead into some really interesting discussion topics, can be a way to overcome writer's block. Not that just hearing how you're doing isn't interesting enough, it always is! Anyway, thinking about you, take care.

Keely said...

How about a story? :) A funny experience or a wild one.