Friday, May 14, 2010

not much going on

So I have about 3 hours of productivity that I am capable of per day, and lately I have been devoting it to learning how to make fancy cakes. I don't know why, I just thought it would be nice to have a skill. Above is my first attempt (this is the good side). It didn't turn out too bad but it also wasn't perfect. The best thing about it was I learned how to make sugardough, which is what the flowers are made of. Next I am going to tackle making fondant. I promise "this girl's life" wont turn into a baking blog, but I may have to post some pictures of my culinary progress from time to time.

I have decided to cut therapy back to one session a week. Not that I am doing much better. I just seem to be unable to come up with much to talk about to fill up the hour. This depression, or fatigue, or whatever it is, has just sort of turned my brain all squishy and kind of useless.

Eating is going ok.

That's about it.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the cupcakes:-)

Maeve said...

Those look absolutely beautiful!!

I also think this is further proof that you are deserving of the title "World's Best Mother" since I am guessing that you will make birthday cakes when the time comes.

I'm jealous and want to dive into my computer and steal a cupcake...

Anonymous said...

omg... that's awesome!!!
fondant scares me, but i'd love to hear your successes! i DO have a baking blog. lol.

Telstaar said...

That looks amazing Lisa! Seriously! I"m sooo impressed. I look forward to seeing your other creations, please keep sharing them :). If they're a part of your life, I want to know about them...besides, AMAZING!

I do hope that the "blah" period passes soon... *huggles with compassion* xoxo

Lisa and Jim said...

That is so cute! Jim and I made fondant a few months ago and it actually wasn't too difficult - just don't underestimate how much confectioners sugar you'll need!

Eating With Others said...

First words out of my mouth "HOLY CRAP!" That looks so good! You ROCK!

kristin said...

Those cupcakes look so amazing! :)

Keely said...

Yay!!! Good job! What is fondant?

Alexandra Rising said...

So cool!!!