Thursday, September 24, 2009

"pupit" show!

The other day when Emma wass home sick from school the girls treated me to a puppet show.
It was priceless!

Just wanted to share these pictures with you all. Hope you have a great day!


Tasty Health Food said...

I love the spelling!

"Pupit" and "Thanck you". Classic. xD

Alexandra Rising said...

So cute!

Lisa and Jim said...

That is the cutest damn thing I've seen ... well, since one of my four-year-olds smiled for a picture today. But it's still super cute.

Cammy said...

They love their mom! said...

Yes, they do love their mom!

Super cute!

Keely said...

Yay!!! I loved the one where the puppets are drinking from silly straws. Sooo cute.